niedziela, grudnia 30, 2012

Książki: "I am a follower" by Leonard Sweet

This book is fresh and revolutionary but not a quick read. Not a quick read on purpose.

As I like to do (which unfortunately turns against my page-turning production ;)), I frequently set "I am Follower" aside to think, pray, ponder and reflect on a passage or even a sentence that brought much life to my understanding of what the primary calling of any Christian is and should be.

It will not come a surprise that it is becoming followers of Christ. Even at the expense of never being leaders.

I am very fond of the painting-like prose and reasoning of professor Leonard Sweet. His use of examples (including links to youtube videos), metaphors and comparisons. I would agree with most of his argumentation, especially whenever he is close to my vein of interpretation of who we are and why we are here for. The only thing that goes too far for me is the idea of Christians being non-capital "j" jesuses impersonifying the capital "J" Jesus. Perhaps my on-going sanctification has not progressed far enough for me to see it yet ;).

I would highly recommend this book (particularly the first 2 parts of it) to people who like thinking about why the believe what they believe. And having come to the conclusion, act on it.

The book was provided to me as part of the Booksneeze program. 
