poniedziałek, listopada 15, 2010

OT: The Grace of God by Andy Stanley

Zgodnie z moją wcześniejszą obietnicą, zdążyłem przeczytać tę książkę do wczorajszego wieczora :)).

There are a lot of books on the topic of God’s grace out there, but I am yet to find one that would make my eyes leak as much. In several chapters devoted to various aspects of God’s grace, Andy Stanley shows us the very heart of God as seen in how He has dealt with many a colorful character in the history of mankind.

Right from the beginning ,with the story of creation and “the Earth being good” for mankind to live and prosper, through pre-Law stories of Abraham and Levi, whom – as pastor Stanley shows – God graciously led to relationship with Him and understanding how grace changes everything – we see examples of Old Testament figures who learnt to lean on God’s grace. And we learn to right alongside them, dispelling the myth of grace being a New Testament-only concept.

There are ample examples from New Testament as well. Levi/Matthew, the Syrophenician woman at the well and the thief on the cross all point us to the underlying truth of grace of God. God has done something for us to bring us back to relationship with Him just for the sake of having us back close to Him. This is the good news that Jesus offers. Unconditional acceptance that defiles human logic. You cannot read this book and stay the same. Best book of 2010 for me. And I read a lot.

I’m thankful to Thomas Nelson Publishing for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book.
