piątek, sierpnia 13, 2010

OT Książki: "The Jesus you can't ignore" by John McArthur

The Jesus you can’t ignore by John McArthur

I am not sure if I am at all hyped by books which seem to have been written to prove others wrong. While there is a world of excellent historical and theological background provided by John McArthur, it is the actual vantage point – to show the post-modern proponents of the “softer” Jesus, His more confrontational face in the gospels – that makes me a tad uneasy. After all, Jesus is everything we read about Him… and more – at least to my, transforming but still human, mind.

Once we get on board with this premise though, the book is indeed very well written and proves McArthur’s point just right. It is a dissection of several gospel accounts that picture Jesus’ conversations with the Pharisees. The author focuses on the how and the why of these confrontations, showing Jesus as uncompromising, direct and judgmental in His appraisal of the Pharisee’s belief system and practices. While this is definitely understandable in the broader context of Jesus’ ministry, I found another dimension lacking – namely, the accounts of Jesus’ conversations with non-hierarchical Jews and non-Jews to show still another side of “the One we cannot ignore”. Perhaps the author will do so in a book to come, which I would read with great interest to get a more balanced view of the Son of God as depicted in the gospels.

I’m thankful to Thomas Nelson Publishing for providing me with a complimentary copy.
