wtorek, czerwca 08, 2010

OT:Książki - "The Hole in Our Gospel" Richard Stearns

The Hole in our Gospel by Richard Stearns

Even when I first picked up “The Hole in our Gospel” by Richard Stearns I somehow felt it would destroy me. And I am glad to say it did serve its point of destroying the cozy little Christian mindset of mine very well.

Stearns is the President of World Vision US and shares the story of his coming to grips with the answer to the question: “What does God expect of us?”. This is the challenge that he, while still a successful businessman, had to tackle, when asked to consider the top position at World Vision several years ago.

It is in a very low-key, humble and amiable manner that the author shares his thought processes from the standpoint of a very decent American Christian church-goer. We can pick his brains about what it takes to transform one’s mind to the degree when one is able – and willing – to forsake all, including comfort and reputation, to bring the full Good News to our neighbors - be it next door or next continent.

According to Stearns, until we give it all to play our part in the transformation of communities ridden by hunger, disease, injustice and lack of hope, we continue to offer to the world a gaping hole in our gospel. I salute you, Mr Stearns, for patching this hole in your gospel and providing me with tools to do likewise in mine!

I’m thankful to Thomas Nelson Publishing for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book
